Journal Articles:
- “‘The Way We Were’: Everyday Life in Fascist Italy and the Lessons of Alltagsgeschichte,” with Kate Ferris. European History Quarterly 54.2 (2024), 212-232.
- “The Anatomy of Controversy, from Charlottesville to Rome.” Modern Italy 24.2 (2019), 123-138.
- “Settling Accounts: Retribution, Emotion and Memory during the Fall of Mussolini.” Journal of Modern Italian Studies 20.5 (2015), 617-639.
- “‘Voleva essere Cesare, morì Vespasiano’: The Afterlives of Mussolini’s Rome.” Civiltà Romana. Rivista pluridisciplinare di studi su Roma antica e le sue interpretazioni 1 (2015), 283-302.
- “The Excavatory Intervention: Archaeology and the Chronopolitics of Roman Antiquity in Fascist Italy.” Journal of Modern European History 13.1 (2015), 44-58.
- “The Eternal Parasite: Anti-Romanism in Italian Politics and Culture since 1870,” Annali d’Italianistica, Vol. 28 (2010), 117-136.
- "Roma Sparita: Local Identity, Memory and Modernity in Fascist Rome,” Città e Storia Vol. 3, no. 1-2 (2008), 189-200.
Chapters in edited volumes:
- “The Fascist City: Words and Stones” in Dorothee Brantz and Gábor Solonky (eds.), The Cambridge Urban History of Europe (Cambridge University Press, in press).
- “How Often Do You Think of the Roman Empire? Lessons from the Study of Romanità” in Fabrizio Oppedisano, Federico Santangelo and Paola Salvatori (eds.), Costruire la nuova Italia. Miti di Roma e fascismo (Viella, 2024), 361-372.
- “‘Mussolini Did Good Things Too’: The Memory Politics of Fascist Modernity” in Carmen Belmonte (ed.), A Difficult Heritage: The Afterlives of Fascist-Era Art and Architecture (Silvana, 2023), 59-67.
- “Alltagsgeschichte Italian-Style? New Perspectives on Everyday Life in Fascist Italy” in Giulia Albanese, ed., Rethinking the History of Italian Fascism (Routledge, 2022), 227-244.
- “Vivere il fascismo: politica e vita quotidiana durante il regime” in Giulia Albanese, ed., Il fascismo italiano. Storia e interpretazioni (Carocci, 2021), 237-253.
- “Combattere ‘l’altro’ dopoguerra: conflitto sociale nel Mezzogiorno, 1943-1944,” in Enrico Acciai, Guido Panvini, Camilla Poesio and Toni Rovatti, eds., Oltre il 1945. Violenza, conflitto sociale, ordine pubblico nell’Europa del dopoguerra (Viella, 2017), 33-48.
- “Introduction,” with Michael Ebner and Kate Ferris, in The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy: Outside the State?, 1-17
- “Memory,” in The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy: Outside the State?, 205-232.
- “Bathing in Eternal Rome: The Mostra Augustea della Romanità,” in Helen Roche and Kyriakos Demetriou, eds., Brill's Companion to the Classics, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany (Brill, 2017), 157-177.
- “Il fascismo come ‘eredità’ nell’Italia contemporanea” in Andrea Mammone, Giuseppe Veltri and Nicola Tranfaglia, eds., Un paese normale? Saggi sull'Italia contemporanea. Milan: Baldini Castoldi Dalai (2011), 209-232.
- “Fascism as Heritage in Contemporary Italy” in Andrea Mammone and Giuseppe Veltri, eds., Italy Today: The Sick Man of Europe. New York: Routledge (2010), 114-127.
- “(Re)Presenting Roman History in Italy, 1911-1955” in Claire Norton, ed., Nationalism, Historiography and the (Re)Construction of the Past. Washington, DC: New Academia Press (2007), 27-41.
Book Reviews:
I have written book reviews for numerous publications, including:
- The American Historical Review
- The Journal of Modern History
- The Journal of Contemporary History
- The Journal of Modern Italian Studies
- Modern Italy
- Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review
- International Journal of the Classical Tradition
- University of Toronto Quarterly
- History: Reviews of New Books
- H-Net